EE 515/IS 523: Security 101: Think Like an Adversary

News Report

  • Introduction Every student needs to submit a summary of news once.
  • Submission: You should post your summary at the KLMS. The link will be provided later.
  • Submission dates
    • Please check class calendar to see your posting dates. 
  • Topic: News and research papers should deal with security issues. Your content should be different from others. Therefore, always check the current postings. News must be fresh: it should be published within two weeks from the due dates. 
  • News Summary
    • I prefer investigative/data journalism. In other words, we want to learn from news. So simply saying that "there was a DDoS on Israel Stock Exchange" is not enough.
    • Do not rely on a single source. Read related articles and analyze what happened and why such events happened. Discuss how to mitigate such problems. 
    • Bibliography should be added at the end of your summary. 
    • Security news can be found easily from "The register", "Ars Technica", "Bruce Schneier's blog", "F-secure web blog", etc. 
    • Or use twitter to follow people who posts a lot of security news. (e.g. mikko, e_kaspersky, arstechnica, csoghoian, schneierblog, teamcymru, DarkReading, ...)
    • Best News Posting from 2012
  • Research Paper Summary
    • Research paper should be published within the past three years.
    • It should be published in a top security conference such as ACM CCS, IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Usenix Security or ISOC NDSS.
    • For papers published in other conference, please get permission from me before posting. 
    • To summarize a paper, you often need to read more than one paper, as you might not have enough background on the topic.