EE515/IS523: Security 101: Think Like an Adversary

Every scientific research starts from finding new problems. Likewise, the most important step in security research is to discover new attacks. Today, media is filled with attacks on various systems: Web servers, DNS, Internet banking, e-voting systems, cellular networks, social networks, mobile phones, nuclear power plants, and implantable medical devices. These attacks are originated from various vulnerabilities, such as user interface design, ignorance or security by obscurity, deployment mistakes, and physical exposure. The main objective of this course is to learn how to think like an adversary. In other words, we will look at various ingenuous attacks and discuss why and how such attacks were possible. This is the first crucial step to design and deploy systems robust against various attacks.

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8/31 Welcome to EE515/IS523

Basic Information

Lecture: MW 10:30AM - 12:00PM, N1 IT Convergence Building #112

Instructor: Yongdae Kim
Email: yongdaek (at)
Office: N26 201
Office hours: TBD (Also possible by sending me an e-mail, and Google/Facebook Chat)

EE TA: Dongkwan Kim (dkay (at)
GSIS TA: Youjin Lee (letyoursoulbefree (at)
Office hours: by appointment only